Portrait Series 1emmadav04Jan 27, 20230 min read 1. Close-up Shot2. Head Shot 4. Against A Background3. Posed Profile Shot5. Candid Pt. 15. Candid Pt. 26. Dramatic Play of Light 8. Bokeh Effect 7. Contrasting Moods Pt. 17. Contrasting Moods Pt. 2
1. Close-up Shot2. Head Shot 4. Against A Background3. Posed Profile Shot5. Candid Pt. 15. Candid Pt. 26. Dramatic Play of Light 8. Bokeh Effect 7. Contrasting Moods Pt. 17. Contrasting Moods Pt. 2
Larry Clark: Photographer Story https://www.canva.com/design/DAFaB0EYlrE/uT2BNsa_9AZwGcewiTzfVg/watch?utm_content=DAFaB0EYlrE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&u...